Our Need for the Jurisprudence of Purification and Behavior

Features Hearts SEE

The first ayah revealed in the Cave of Hira to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was “Iqra.” The question that arises is: what to read? The ayah ends with a verb, which in Arabic is a transitive verb, indicating an action directed towards something, yet no specific object is mentioned. This teaches us that the command to “read” encompasses all that the Prophet (SAW) could see and reflect upon. The first ayah thus establishes a connection to the macro universe, while the second ayah refers to reading the micro, as in the human self.

As Muslims, we learn to read Arabic to access the Quran, but the journey of knowledge extends further. The Quran was not revealed solely to be recited, but to be understood and implemented as a divine system on Earth. This raises an important question: how should we read the numerous ayat in the Quran that refer to the universal signs scattered throughout? To answer this, we must adopt a process akin to learning Arabic; we must learn the language of nature. This language is based on relationships, patterns, and context. The key is to understand systems thinking, which aligns with the study of the Nazm (order) of the Quran.

Throughout the Quran, we are commanded to see, look, and observe, and these actions are deeply connected with thinking, as expressed through Tafakkur (reflection) and Tadabbur (deep contemplation). However, the true essence here pertains to the heart (qalb). Modern science points toward this understanding, and if we turn back to ancient civilizations, we find that the heart was also seen as a profound center of perception, linked to right-brain hemisphere thinking. This contrasts sharply with the linear, Cartesian worldview prevalent today, which affects our social, economic, environmental, educational, and political systems, as it is largely based on a left-brain hemisphere approach.

Hearts SEE was established out of recognition of this global crisis and the serious disconnect within the Ummah, especially regarding the relationship with and understanding of the ayat in the natural world—signs that appear on nearly every page of the Quran. Sadly, many are unable to grasp these signs due to an inability to “read” them. To fulfill our role as Khalifah (steward) on Earth, we must learn how to comprehend the world’s ecosystems, which are communities in themselves, as clearly explained in the Quran. We must become caretakers of these communities, but before doing so, we need to become trackers and field guides.

Hearts SEE was established for this very reason.

We invite you to join us in learning the language of the natural world. Through this journey, you can become a true Muslim who declares the kalimah (testimony of faith) from the heart, having truly witnessed the signs of Allah through His names and attributes.

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